Recently the most important T&M manufactures have discontinued a wide set of data generators, instrument extremely useful for digital logic & ICs characterization, functional and debugging testing, radar and receiver applications, signal integrity experiments.
The PSPL1P601 is a single-channel, 1.6 GHz pulse/pattern generator; the PSPL1P602 includes a second signal output channel. Both models have been recently discontinued.
The operational flexibility and pattern generation capability of the Pulse/Pattern Generators makes them suitable for use in many different applications, including simplified simulation of serial data patterns when testing devices to characterize their performance under suboptimal conditions.
AWG-5000 Pulse Pattern Generator Replacement for PSPL1P601 & PSPL1P602
The Pulse Pattern Generator family (PPG), also known as Serial Data Pattern Generator (SPG), is designed to generate a stream of binary information.
The Pulse Pattern Generator is available as an option in the Arbitrary Waveform AWG-5000 Series.
The AWG-5000 True-Arb and PPG mode capabilities, allow you to emulate fast pulse and serial patterns up to 1.5 GHz, 230 ps of minimum width with an analog amplitude of 5 Vpp into 50 Ohm using the Single Ended model and 1.5 Vpp into 50 Ohm / 3Vpp into 100 Ohm through the Differential models.
All the pulse and pattern parameters can be controlled run-time, built-in PRBS sequences, modulation features and transition shaping features, are the perfect tools for Jitter emulation applications, semiconductor and signal integrity testing, PAM signal emulation and advanced research.
Moreover Active Technologies Pulse Pattern Generators are equipped with an extremely easy to use interface that takes full advantage of a 7″ capacitive touch-screen display: you can replace legacy products with the maximum flexibility control and a powerful analog frontend.
4 Level Custom Pattern
Ferrara – Italy, 07.11.2023